I was a fan of voice before he made it big. Before hearing voice, I didn't think I liked rap. This Cd changed my mind. With the song's powerful message and rythym, it'll have you dancing along in no time. Voice's songs tell about Christian life, our life in this world, and encourages us to keep pressing on. My favorite song on it is "Non-conformists"; the message is crystal clear as the chorus is "Are You Really Aware That Christ Has Died That You May Live And Not Confrom?". To top all of this off, you have Voice's amazing rapping skills. Truly one of my favorite CDs.
If you ever get a chance, give this CD a listen. To my main man, Voice, Hollah. :P

What, you can't rate zero?

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
First off, they kill everyone just like that. Scott, Xavier, and what DID happen to nightcrawler?! And all of the other people in the school for that matter? Angel was barely in any of the movie, Pheonix just stood there the entire time, and WHY DID MAGNETO HAVE TO MOVE THE ENTIRE FREAKIN BRIDGE?!? WHY NOT LEVITATE A SMALL CAR OVER?!?!?!?!?
Also, they seemed to change all of the characters attitudes and such. Xavier got angry easily, as did Wolverine, and Scott.
Going back to the death of Scott, I mean how much more can you condense it? ZAP. "How did you get back?" "I don't know." KISS. DEAD.
Hmm.....plot filled.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.
For those of you who loved the first two and are thinking about seeing the third, I can honestly say, I regret seeing it and will NEVER see it again.
First off, they kill everyone just like that. Scott, Xavier, and what DID happen to nightcrawler?! And all of the other people in the school for that matter? Angel was barely in any of the movie, Pheonix just stood there the entire time, and WHY DID MAGNETO HAVE TO MOVE THE ENTIRE FREAKIN BRIDGE?!? WHY NOT LEVITATE A SMALL CAR OVER?!?!?!?!?
Also, they seemed to change all of the characters attitudes and such. Xavier got angry easily, as did Wolverine, and Scott.
Going back to the death of Scott, I mean how much more can you condense it? ZAP. "How did you get back?" "I don't know." KISS. DEAD.
Hmm.....plot filled.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.
For those of you who loved the first two and are thinking about seeing the third, I can honestly say, I regret seeing it and will NEVER see it again.


Have you played a fps? If you haven't played Halo, then you truly haven't yet.
With different weapons, modes, and an incredible first player mode, Halo has definatly left it's mark on the gameplaying world. Much more realistic than it's sequel, Halo 2, your aimer is not pulled by enemies, thus making it much more skilled to snipe someone. Rockets and Grenades explode realistically, shotguns are all around realistic, and then you can go into covenant weapons, weapons created for the game, and yet still are extremely realistic. The down side of the entire game, the pistol. The pistol is much too powerful, killing someone in three shots if used correctly.
The maps in this game are amazing, some gigantic, some extremely small, some filled with so many teleporters you don't know where anyone, including yourself, is!
The first player mode is a highlight for this game, ranging up to "Legendary", and playable with a friend in two player mode. The characters are given unique characteristics, such as the marines yelling things in fear, and grunts screaming in sheer terror. Also, the enemy is well done also. It ranges from easy laugh-at-able grunts, to the feared hunter.
This game is sheer genius, and belongs next to every X-box. And besides, who doesn't love Master Chief?
With different weapons, modes, and an incredible first player mode, Halo has definatly left it's mark on the gameplaying world. Much more realistic than it's sequel, Halo 2, your aimer is not pulled by enemies, thus making it much more skilled to snipe someone. Rockets and Grenades explode realistically, shotguns are all around realistic, and then you can go into covenant weapons, weapons created for the game, and yet still are extremely realistic. The down side of the entire game, the pistol. The pistol is much too powerful, killing someone in three shots if used correctly.
The maps in this game are amazing, some gigantic, some extremely small, some filled with so many teleporters you don't know where anyone, including yourself, is!
The first player mode is a highlight for this game, ranging up to "Legendary", and playable with a friend in two player mode. The characters are given unique characteristics, such as the marines yelling things in fear, and grunts screaming in sheer terror. Also, the enemy is well done also. It ranges from easy laugh-at-able grunts, to the feared hunter.
This game is sheer genius, and belongs next to every X-box. And besides, who doesn't love Master Chief?

Wait, wah?!?!?!

Where did it go wrong, Nintendo?!?!?! We were all expecting a great graphics game, the best Legend of Zelda yet, and you go......CHIBI?!?!
I saw pictures of "previews" for what was going to be instead of Wind Waker, and my jaw dropped. I was excited to play it, and this was after Wind Waker had come out! Anyway, I was greatly dissapointed in the lack of realistic Link, but I suppose WindWaker wasn't so bad.
Some of the downsides: you sail.......and sail and sail.....you can literally get pointed in the right direction and sail for 45 minutes before ariving at your desired destination. (Yes, you can warp later on, but still.) Also, the game is extremely long!
The upsides, Fighting has got to be my favorite in this game than of the others. You can roll behind the enemy, you can dodge, fighting is one of this games main strong points. Also, I LOVE the boomerang. Being able to target multiple enemys and take them out can come in handy. ;)
Another plus would be the fact that you can control other characters in some parts of the game. WEEEEEE!!!!!
My biggest disappointment is that the game isn't exactly....frightening. Now when you look at Ganondorf from the OoT (Ocarina of time), and skull kid/majora's mask in MM (figure it out), personally, I get a little frightened. You can tell that they are pure evil, and the entire game is based on beating the ultimate evil and saving the world. WW (obvious) isn't so much evil, it's wind, and waves, and sunshine.
Overall, Windwaker is a terrific game, but when compared to the previous (and maybe future) Zelda games, it just falls short.
I saw pictures of "previews" for what was going to be instead of Wind Waker, and my jaw dropped. I was excited to play it, and this was after Wind Waker had come out! Anyway, I was greatly dissapointed in the lack of realistic Link, but I suppose WindWaker wasn't so bad.
Some of the downsides: you sail.......and sail and sail.....you can literally get pointed in the right direction and sail for 45 minutes before ariving at your desired destination. (Yes, you can warp later on, but still.) Also, the game is extremely long!
The upsides, Fighting has got to be my favorite in this game than of the others. You can roll behind the enemy, you can dodge, fighting is one of this games main strong points. Also, I LOVE the boomerang. Being able to target multiple enemys and take them out can come in handy. ;)
Another plus would be the fact that you can control other characters in some parts of the game. WEEEEEE!!!!!
My biggest disappointment is that the game isn't exactly....frightening. Now when you look at Ganondorf from the OoT (Ocarina of time), and skull kid/majora's mask in MM (figure it out), personally, I get a little frightened. You can tell that they are pure evil, and the entire game is based on beating the ultimate evil and saving the world. WW (obvious) isn't so much evil, it's wind, and waves, and sunshine.
Overall, Windwaker is a terrific game, but when compared to the previous (and maybe future) Zelda games, it just falls short.