This game is more to teach how to use the Wii than a good game. I'm ok with that, it's free.
Golf: good, a little strange sensing the swings, but good. Sometimes is swings as I bring it back. There's definately not enought courses.
Bowling: Awesome. Best game on here. True, it's easy to get strikes, but that's what makes it fun! Putting spin and everything is fun. This one's probably the most realistic.
Boxing: Ok, I guess. Kinda hard to do...
Baseball: nearly impossible. It's very hard to hit not where someone can catch it. It's fun to see your other Wiis out on the field though.
Tennis: BORRRRRING! you can't even move your guy, and it's awfully hard to control where you hit. It's fun because you can play as all four people, though.
Now normally, I'd say if you should get this game or not right here, but it comes with the Wii, so.....enjoy!
WII would like to play.

Rock on, TLOZ.

So. It's been an entire generation of system since there has been a really good realistic Legend of Zelda game. Nintendo has to do something great to bring back the fame this series has accumulated. Did they turn the series around? Absolutely.
TP is an amazing game, graphics, gameplay, and plot.
I'm simply amazed how they nailed the dog to a punch. The dog paddling is incredible, and if you don't move for a while, and the dog sits down in a way that says "Yo, I'm a dog." Plus. his attacks are awesome. Leaping and grabbing an opponent's throat, and thrashing around biting it: excellent. Spinning around as if with a sword: sweet. My personal fav: Midna's "doom" attack. You get surounded, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Awesome.
Again, they kept in great with the Zelda plot: different Link, same outfit, Hero. No one talks (at least in English); Links voice is a little deeper, but it has the same ring to it.
Riding your horse (you get to name it!) is also amazing. You can backflip off of her, attack with the sword, and many other stunts.
One thing that somewhat startled me was that there was no definate musical instrument. I shrugged it off after a few minutes. We've been through quite a few: Ocarina, harp(Sheik), fingers(Impa),whatever the heck that thing was in windwaker, all of the 5 instruments in Majora's Mask, probably many more. We're bound to run out eventually. We don't want him playing a kazoo, so grass is ok.
On the good hand, this game is amazing in keeping up in the Zelda series, but on the other hand, there are some not so great things.
One would be the annoying explosion of enemies. Thank you windwaker(Sarcasm). They could have at least come up with something cooler looking. It's alright, but I personally like the OoT's fade-into-the ground type thing, or the catch on fire and burn to rupees. That was awesome.
Another extremely annoying thing would be "the Twilight". Pretty lame if you ask me. The idea of the Twilight? No, just how they made it look. All of the black squares floating up. The idea of darkness coming over the land and everyone turning into spirits: pure genius. Another thing that annoys me would be the portals. Again, Portals opening up and sending creatures down and such: genius. Making it look like something out of "Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase": not so great.
One semi-dissapointment would be it's gameplay on the Wii. Now this is a GREAT game, but it's just not that much better on the Wii then I suspect it is on the GC. For one thing, you always have the freakin fairy on the screen, or at least its wings. Secondly, the swordplay isn't that terrific. It doesn't matter how hard you swing, which direction, or anything. Also, arrows, and boomerang, not the greatest, at least in my opinion. Am I saying that the game is bad? No. I am saying that the game is good, but the Wii play doesn't add much to it.
If you have ever played a Legend of Zelda, go get this game. If you have ever played a video game, get this game. LINK OWNZ!
TP is an amazing game, graphics, gameplay, and plot.
I'm simply amazed how they nailed the dog to a punch. The dog paddling is incredible, and if you don't move for a while, and the dog sits down in a way that says "Yo, I'm a dog." Plus. his attacks are awesome. Leaping and grabbing an opponent's throat, and thrashing around biting it: excellent. Spinning around as if with a sword: sweet. My personal fav: Midna's "doom" attack. You get surounded, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Awesome.
Again, they kept in great with the Zelda plot: different Link, same outfit, Hero. No one talks (at least in English); Links voice is a little deeper, but it has the same ring to it.
Riding your horse (you get to name it!) is also amazing. You can backflip off of her, attack with the sword, and many other stunts.
One thing that somewhat startled me was that there was no definate musical instrument. I shrugged it off after a few minutes. We've been through quite a few: Ocarina, harp(Sheik), fingers(Impa),whatever the heck that thing was in windwaker, all of the 5 instruments in Majora's Mask, probably many more. We're bound to run out eventually. We don't want him playing a kazoo, so grass is ok.
On the good hand, this game is amazing in keeping up in the Zelda series, but on the other hand, there are some not so great things.
One would be the annoying explosion of enemies. Thank you windwaker(Sarcasm). They could have at least come up with something cooler looking. It's alright, but I personally like the OoT's fade-into-the ground type thing, or the catch on fire and burn to rupees. That was awesome.
Another extremely annoying thing would be "the Twilight". Pretty lame if you ask me. The idea of the Twilight? No, just how they made it look. All of the black squares floating up. The idea of darkness coming over the land and everyone turning into spirits: pure genius. Another thing that annoys me would be the portals. Again, Portals opening up and sending creatures down and such: genius. Making it look like something out of "Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase": not so great.
One semi-dissapointment would be it's gameplay on the Wii. Now this is a GREAT game, but it's just not that much better on the Wii then I suspect it is on the GC. For one thing, you always have the freakin fairy on the screen, or at least its wings. Secondly, the swordplay isn't that terrific. It doesn't matter how hard you swing, which direction, or anything. Also, arrows, and boomerang, not the greatest, at least in my opinion. Am I saying that the game is bad? No. I am saying that the game is good, but the Wii play doesn't add much to it.
If you have ever played a Legend of Zelda, go get this game. If you have ever played a video game, get this game. LINK OWNZ!

Just as good as the first one.

Just as good as the first one.

I like this CD.

It's a good CD, and worthy of a look at.
I wish my favorite Gotee artists would have sung better songs on it, but it's good.
I wish my favorite Gotee artists would have sung better songs on it, but it's good.


I didn't care for this movie.
The first part of the movie was SOOO slow, and then later it's too action packed. Just one danger after another after another. They stretched the scenes out too long. Plus, the girl never even said "kong", and only said one word to the ape, yet loves him like a brother. The worst of all was the people just stared like 30 times in the movie! No talking! Just staring with a surprised/sad/clueless expression on their face! But I guess it was an ok movie. (Except for the bugs. You will hear me scream if I see a cockroach, worm, etc.)
The first part of the movie was SOOO slow, and then later it's too action packed. Just one danger after another after another. They stretched the scenes out too long. Plus, the girl never even said "kong", and only said one word to the ape, yet loves him like a brother. The worst of all was the people just stared like 30 times in the movie! No talking! Just staring with a surprised/sad/clueless expression on their face! But I guess it was an ok movie. (Except for the bugs. You will hear me scream if I see a cockroach, worm, etc.)

Almost through reading it.

I'm almost through reading it. This book is excellent and follows the Halo theme quite well. I recommend it for any Halo fan.
The only thing I don't like is how much they exaggerated his speed.
They say he gets lightning fast after the augmentations, then he gets even faster when he gets the suit, then he gets even FASTER when he gets Cortana. He may be alot faster and stronger than a normal man, but he's not the Flash or Superman.
The only thing I don't like is how much they exaggerated his speed.
They say he gets lightning fast after the augmentations, then he gets even faster when he gets the suit, then he gets even FASTER when he gets Cortana. He may be alot faster and stronger than a normal man, but he's not the Flash or Superman.


These books own.


It's a very morbid, but funny album. Many different styles, same vocals, funny just like the books.
It's a very morbid, but funny album. Many different styles, same vocals, funny just like the books.


Down right funny!

Quickly a classic.

Quickly a classic.