This movie was pretty bad. It jumps right into the plot in the first 10 minutes, then lingers. It is very predictable, and all very "What are the chances?", which is ok for a bedtime story, but is still very annoying. There is only one, maybe two, parts of the film that make you jump, or are actually suspenseful. There was one suprising part, when you figure out the role of Reggie. Two funny parts, one at the beginning when he is smashing a spider, the other when he is trying to act like a kid.
Paul's acting is still terrific, nonetheless. I love when he is talking about his family.

Wow. Bravo.

Just finished watching it, loved it.
This movie is simply amazing. It goes right in hand with "The Prestige" (though I do like the Prestige more) with it's sudden plot twists and "wha?" moments. The beginning is a little hard to understand, until you begin to see what happens.
The whole fact that magic actually exists kinda makes me go "meh" to this movie, but otherwise, it's wonderful. Wonderful acting, plot, everything. It's still very confusing at the end, though, so make sure you're paying attention.
Certainly a "woah, I guessed that part wrong" film. 8/10, I recommend it.
This movie is simply amazing. It goes right in hand with "The Prestige" (though I do like the Prestige more) with it's sudden plot twists and "wha?" moments. The beginning is a little hard to understand, until you begin to see what happens.
The whole fact that magic actually exists kinda makes me go "meh" to this movie, but otherwise, it's wonderful. Wonderful acting, plot, everything. It's still very confusing at the end, though, so make sure you're paying attention.
Certainly a "woah, I guessed that part wrong" film. 8/10, I recommend it.

I have a very small bottom. I'M almost b

This is what I call the follow up to Invader Zim. It's pretty dark, very crude, and overall not an exceptional children's show, or at least younger children. But it IS funny. Of course Billy pretty much makes the show, as do most stupid characters. It's extremely strange; you'll never know what will happen next. Seriously. It's still one of the best shows on Cartoon Network.
And as for the quote, it's just the one that came to mind while writing this.
And as for the quote, it's just the one that came to mind while writing this.

Here comes the Spidermaaaan! (For the th

Overall, this movie was ok. I'll have to watch it again at home to give my full review.
Well, Pros:
It has Spiderman, Venom, and keeps the line of the story pretty well. It doesn't add some lame bad guy, it keeps to the comic strips. The dialog is awesome, even FRIGGIN HILARIOUS at some parts. There's action, romance, emo hair, it's got it all. Then there's Venom. I honestly LOVED how they did the fangs, the screaming, the bell ordeal, and the whole "taking over" thing. Oh, and I love how Eddie got fangs too. I'm glad they waited until they had the technology to do it. I swear, though, if Venom is already frikkin dead, I'm gonna riot. And of course there's the waiter: Funniest character of the movie.
For starters, the camera was a big let down at some parts. One would be the fact that sometimes, it is literally the camerman just running alongside a sitting truck or something. Good for a documentary, not so good for an action movie. Way too jerky. You want to feel like you're 3rd person, not actually doing it.
Secondly, it would be the fight scenes. At some parts, it's extremely zoomed in, or too dark, so you can't really see what is going on. (Or maybe it was just seeing it in a theater, I dunno.)
Next, just the mere fact that they squeezed 3 villains into one movie. But when you think about it, they needed all three. The movie was about the black suit and venom. Now to get Peter to where the suit, he would need motivation. Hence comes Sandman. And of course Harry figured out about Spidey, so he's not going to sit around drinking whiskey and moping, he's got to take action. (Plus, who else could save Spidey's butt in a two on one?)
On to the villains. Now with Harry, they already explained basically how he would turn evil, but they really didn't go much into detail, or at least show him in the gas chamber.
Next we have the Sandman. True, they completely showed how he came to be, but it didn't really make sense very well. I mean sure they were "deatomitizing", but what were they doing it on? What was in there? Sand? They Deatomitized sand....into sand....ok....sure...I guess they could be testing the machine...
Lastly, there's Venom. He was perfectly well done, except for a few minor things that bugged me. (Later, under "small tick offs.")
And the last thing is that they basically just rushed the movie. I mean Peter is riding along and *SWOOP* he's picked up by Harry. There's other things too (none of which I can think of right now.) I think it comes from having three villains. But oh well. At least it wasn't an X3. ;) Still worth watching. A ton of things that make me go "Wha???" but I'd definately watch it again. And again. And again.
*MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!*
Small tick offs (in no particular order):
-That Harry basically flys around on a flying skateboard.
-That venom happens to fall from space (ok, believable) right into the park where Peter Parker is, at the exact time.
-That stupid line that Sandman said, "I'm not a bad person, I just had a bad chance" or something like that.
-That Harry didn't get a phsyco living in his head, even though he did the exact same thing as his dad.
-That Harry even got brain damage from that hit to the head in the first place!
-That the truck that the two policemen chase Sandman around HAPPENS to be filled with sand.
-That sandman grunts like a monster. Lower his voice, but don't make him a caveman.
-How big the Sandman's mouth is. (Ok, I'm sorry.....the thought just kept coming into my mind!!!)
-That they don't show Spiderman put his mask back on when he's down on the sand in the last fight and yells up "I'm coming Mary-Jane!" even though Venom clearly took it off of him, and did not even visibly throw it all the way to the ground (that I remember).
-That Eddie wants God to kill Peter Parker for stealing his job.
-That Eddie somehow figured out about Sandman's daughter and such.
-That Harry didn't totally get killed by that pumpkin grenade. (The one that scarred his face.)
-That Peter's professor isn't more suprised about an alien leech.
-That the Sandman wasn't amazed at his "slight change" at all.
-That Harry died. *cries*
So I basically give it around a 6 or 7. 7 because the ending won me over. 5 is like "eh, it's ai'ight" in my good. 6-10 is "I would watch it again." So basically, I give it a seven, because it had some 10 features (dialouge, comedy, plot fight scenes), and some 5 features (camera angles, back-story) . But still, watch it for the ten features, yall. :D
Overall, this movie was ok. I'll have to watch it again at home to give my full review.
Well, Pros:
It has Spiderman, Venom, and keeps the line of the story pretty well. It doesn't add some lame bad guy, it keeps to the comic strips. The dialog is awesome, even FRIGGIN HILARIOUS at some parts. There's action, romance, emo hair, it's got it all. Then there's Venom. I honestly LOVED how they did the fangs, the screaming, the bell ordeal, and the whole "taking over" thing. Oh, and I love how Eddie got fangs too. I'm glad they waited until they had the technology to do it. I swear, though, if Venom is already frikkin dead, I'm gonna riot. And of course there's the waiter: Funniest character of the movie.
For starters, the camera was a big let down at some parts. One would be the fact that sometimes, it is literally the camerman just running alongside a sitting truck or something. Good for a documentary, not so good for an action movie. Way too jerky. You want to feel like you're 3rd person, not actually doing it.
Secondly, it would be the fight scenes. At some parts, it's extremely zoomed in, or too dark, so you can't really see what is going on. (Or maybe it was just seeing it in a theater, I dunno.)
Next, just the mere fact that they squeezed 3 villains into one movie. But when you think about it, they needed all three. The movie was about the black suit and venom. Now to get Peter to where the suit, he would need motivation. Hence comes Sandman. And of course Harry figured out about Spidey, so he's not going to sit around drinking whiskey and moping, he's got to take action. (Plus, who else could save Spidey's butt in a two on one?)
On to the villains. Now with Harry, they already explained basically how he would turn evil, but they really didn't go much into detail, or at least show him in the gas chamber.
Next we have the Sandman. True, they completely showed how he came to be, but it didn't really make sense very well. I mean sure they were "deatomitizing", but what were they doing it on? What was in there? Sand? They Deatomitized sand....into sand....ok....sure...I guess they could be testing the machine...
Lastly, there's Venom. He was perfectly well done, except for a few minor things that bugged me. (Later, under "small tick offs.")
And the last thing is that they basically just rushed the movie. I mean Peter is riding along and *SWOOP* he's picked up by Harry. There's other things too (none of which I can think of right now.) I think it comes from having three villains. But oh well. At least it wasn't an X3. ;) Still worth watching. A ton of things that make me go "Wha???" but I'd definately watch it again. And again. And again.
*MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!*
Small tick offs (in no particular order):
-That Harry basically flys around on a flying skateboard.
-That venom happens to fall from space (ok, believable) right into the park where Peter Parker is, at the exact time.
-That stupid line that Sandman said, "I'm not a bad person, I just had a bad chance" or something like that.
-That Harry didn't get a phsyco living in his head, even though he did the exact same thing as his dad.
-That Harry even got brain damage from that hit to the head in the first place!
-That the truck that the two policemen chase Sandman around HAPPENS to be filled with sand.
-That sandman grunts like a monster. Lower his voice, but don't make him a caveman.
-How big the Sandman's mouth is. (Ok, I'm sorry.....the thought just kept coming into my mind!!!)
-That they don't show Spiderman put his mask back on when he's down on the sand in the last fight and yells up "I'm coming Mary-Jane!" even though Venom clearly took it off of him, and did not even visibly throw it all the way to the ground (that I remember).
-That Eddie wants God to kill Peter Parker for stealing his job.
-That Eddie somehow figured out about Sandman's daughter and such.
-That Harry didn't totally get killed by that pumpkin grenade. (The one that scarred his face.)
-That Peter's professor isn't more suprised about an alien leech.
-That the Sandman wasn't amazed at his "slight change" at all.
-That Harry died. *cries*
So I basically give it around a 6 or 7. 7 because the ending won me over. 5 is like "eh, it's ai'ight" in my good. 6-10 is "I would watch it again." So basically, I give it a seven, because it had some 10 features (dialouge, comedy, plot fight scenes), and some 5 features (camera angles, back-story) . But still, watch it for the ten features, yall. :D


This game kinda sucks majorly. It doesn't follow any of the rules...still kinda worth can fuse like 5 monsters (or attempt)...there are no sacrifice's all very strange.....
Go with another one if you want to do a real duel. If you want to try something new, that's not really dueling, this game's aiight...
(I lost my copy! *cries*)
Go with another one if you want to do a real duel. If you want to try something new, that's not really dueling, this game's aiight...
(I lost my copy! *cries*)


This movie was amazing. Like Flash said, it is indeed a Rocky movie. Will plays the part amazingly well, as does his son (amazing for his first acting time!)
This movie actually suprised me because although it has the word "Happyness" in the title, it really isn't that happy. It is actually very sad most of the time. You will feel bad for the main actors. But fortunately, Will keeps hope, which gives the viewer hope. It's a tad long and monotonous, but still worth it. Definately the most inspiring true story I've ever seen. Bravo.
This movie actually suprised me because although it has the word "Happyness" in the title, it really isn't that happy. It is actually very sad most of the time. You will feel bad for the main actors. But fortunately, Will keeps hope, which gives the viewer hope. It's a tad long and monotonous, but still worth it. Definately the most inspiring true story I've ever seen. Bravo.


This game is pretty fun, mostly fun with a friend. The only problem is that it's freakin' hard. The second level's boss is so hard. But it's still worth the play. It's fun to slide under bullets, use either the shotgun or dual pistols, and kick some butt. Fun to pay the first level alone over and over.

It's ok.

This show is ok. it get's kinda old sometimes.
I actually learned a TON about greek mythology from this show! I was suprised!
I actually learned a TON about greek mythology from this show! I was suprised!

They're taking back the for

This game OWNS! First of all, look at the overall game: a bunch of worms fight with weapons and cows and old ladys. How awesome is that?!
But seriously, this game is really good. It's so randome and yet so serious at the same time. You have exploding sheep, the Holy Hand Grenade, and a concrete donkey, but it's still so organized that it is like war....which it is!
The best part about this game would be the ninja rope and "shoppas" which you play online. The rules are simply that the only weapons you get are the ones you pick up, and you have unlimited ninja rope. Some people are CRAZY good at the rope. I, not so much. But my brother owns hardcore, and I learn from him. Continuing on, this game is pretty awesome as Worms games go, and as video games go. It takes some practice, but it can be rewarding.
The shoppa maps are pretty cool too. Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, and they are always making more.
Another one of my favorite aspects would be that you can create whatever voice you want. For example, I have Napoleon Dynamite that I made. Whenever a worm dies, he says "The worst day of my life, whaddya think?!" or ".....nevermind...BOOM" Creating the voices is sooo awesome. You add your own bit of personality to the game. Too bad they took down alot of them from the internet....
Overall, it's a great little game. Get it if you like worms......or exploding animals.......or if you just want to have fun.
But seriously, this game is really good. It's so randome and yet so serious at the same time. You have exploding sheep, the Holy Hand Grenade, and a concrete donkey, but it's still so organized that it is like war....which it is!
The best part about this game would be the ninja rope and "shoppas" which you play online. The rules are simply that the only weapons you get are the ones you pick up, and you have unlimited ninja rope. Some people are CRAZY good at the rope. I, not so much. But my brother owns hardcore, and I learn from him. Continuing on, this game is pretty awesome as Worms games go, and as video games go. It takes some practice, but it can be rewarding.
The shoppa maps are pretty cool too. Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, and they are always making more.
Another one of my favorite aspects would be that you can create whatever voice you want. For example, I have Napoleon Dynamite that I made. Whenever a worm dies, he says "The worst day of my life, whaddya think?!" or ".....nevermind...BOOM" Creating the voices is sooo awesome. You add your own bit of personality to the game. Too bad they took down alot of them from the internet....
Overall, it's a great little game. Get it if you like worms......or exploding animals.......or if you just want to have fun.

Counter the strike, gentlemen!

This game is fairly well done. The guns and maps are great.
The strange thing is there is no single player, really. No campaign, no missions, no nothing. You just turn on the system, and bam, you are ready to play. But other than that it is pretty good.
The Pros are.....that it's just a good game. A good shooter for the X-box.
The Cons are that 1. the bots are GODLIKE on high levels (not just "good", they are too perfect to be believable), not to mention that they always know where you are, even if you are hiding in a vent, on top of the level, etc, 2. there isn't even any multiplayer other than online or system linking, and 3. There's alot of "spraying" online with the silenced M4. Not really a problem with the game, just the people that play it.
Overall, I think it's worth it, but I'm a sucker for a good shooter. If you are always playing with friends over at your house, this is not the game for you. If you are a lone player, and love going online a ton, this is it.
------Extra stuff--------
Another fun thing to do is to just play around with the game settings. One of my personal favorites is to set it to Miami, be on terrorists, set 8 bots against you, make it where they can't buy anything (they're stuck with knife), and turn on friendly fire. Buy a good gun, or run around and use the knife and kill the hostages. Then run outside doing your best to avoid the enemy bots. Jump up on top of the van, then to the lamppost, and enjoy watching the Counter-terrorist bots jumping at you, knifing each other to death. Mwaha.
Another fun thing to do is simply give yourself some teammates, make it where bots can't buy anything, turn the money way up, and keep buying magnums and throwing them in front of your teammates! Funny to watch!
I guess I've been rambling....the point is that this game is totally fun every once and a while, but you can majorly get burnt out on it if you play it too much. So if you have can only have one game, pick something else. If you see Counter Strike lying on a shelf at the store, buy it and have fun!
(Thanks to my bro for the fun "gametypes")
The strange thing is there is no single player, really. No campaign, no missions, no nothing. You just turn on the system, and bam, you are ready to play. But other than that it is pretty good.
The Pros are.....that it's just a good game. A good shooter for the X-box.
The Cons are that 1. the bots are GODLIKE on high levels (not just "good", they are too perfect to be believable), not to mention that they always know where you are, even if you are hiding in a vent, on top of the level, etc, 2. there isn't even any multiplayer other than online or system linking, and 3. There's alot of "spraying" online with the silenced M4. Not really a problem with the game, just the people that play it.
Overall, I think it's worth it, but I'm a sucker for a good shooter. If you are always playing with friends over at your house, this is not the game for you. If you are a lone player, and love going online a ton, this is it.
------Extra stuff--------
Another fun thing to do is to just play around with the game settings. One of my personal favorites is to set it to Miami, be on terrorists, set 8 bots against you, make it where they can't buy anything (they're stuck with knife), and turn on friendly fire. Buy a good gun, or run around and use the knife and kill the hostages. Then run outside doing your best to avoid the enemy bots. Jump up on top of the van, then to the lamppost, and enjoy watching the Counter-terrorist bots jumping at you, knifing each other to death. Mwaha.
Another fun thing to do is simply give yourself some teammates, make it where bots can't buy anything, turn the money way up, and keep buying magnums and throwing them in front of your teammates! Funny to watch!
I guess I've been rambling....the point is that this game is totally fun every once and a while, but you can majorly get burnt out on it if you play it too much. So if you have can only have one game, pick something else. If you see Counter Strike lying on a shelf at the store, buy it and have fun!
(Thanks to my bro for the fun "gametypes")